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Листовые поворотные (очковые) задвижки - обтюраторы

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Задвижки листовые с электроприводом
Листовая поворотная задвижка  

Leaf turn gate valve (obturator, reversible plug, eye gate valve) is a shutoff pipeline valve used for shutting off the medium supply.

Eye gate valves are used on gas pipelines of metallurgical, petrochemical and gas enterprises.

Media: from clean gas to contaminated aggressive gas (any temperature).


The design of the goggle gate:

Two elements - flanged and blind, installed between the flanges at the edges of the two welded areas of the pipeline. The flow of the medium is shut off by mounting the flanged connection of the blank element of the rotary plug and is opened by mounting the plug element with a special opening.

Eye gate valves have much better tightness than conventional gate valves, suitable for pipelines of toxic gases.

Full tightness is achieved:

  • Installation of a system of louvered gates - between which a buffer gas with high pressure is blown in.

  • By shutting off the gas flow with a shut-off plate (gate), which moves between the two flanges of the spectacle gate.

Versions of obturator gate valves:

  • open - with hood

  • closed - without cover.

Types of sheet metal butterfly valves:

  • with manual operation (design: rotary disc (slide gate) with open and closed holes, fastening - between the mating flanges. Manual unclamping of internal flanges - with jacking bolts, clamping with captive bolts on hinges.  Installation of an axial compensator enables flanges to be unclamped before turning the disc).
  • mechanical gate valve (hydraulic, pneumatic or electric control, built-in bellows compensator for compressing and unclamping the inner clamping flanges)
The sheet gate valve is designed for complete (hermetic) closure of the gas duct in case of an emergency stop or repair of the unit serviced by this gas duct, as well as for repair of the gas duct located behind the gate valve in the course of gas flow. Задвижка листовая










  • silicone - up to +200°C

  • graphite and/or stainless steel - from +200 to +750 °C

The obturator is used instead of ball valves or gate valves. Operation of butterfly plugs

Operating medium temperature (gas, air) of turning plugs depends on steel grade: from -70 °С to +650 °С.

Pressure: 0,1-25 MPa.

Distinctive features of the sheetmetal butterfly valves:

  • provide absolute overlap of the pipe system;
  • are used for a long time - there are no moving parts;
  • short manufacturing times;
  • low cost of gate valves;
  • low weight - unlike pipeline gate valves with the same values of  PN and DN.

Technical parameters








Nominal bore, mm






Operating pressure of the medium, MPa






Operating temperature of the medium, (0С)






Steel grades of obturators: steel 09Г2С, 20, 12Х18Н10Т, 08Х18Н10Т, 15Х5М, 06ХН28МДТ, 10Х17Н13М2Т, 6ХН28МДТ.

Gate valves are installed on vertical sections of gas and air pipelines.

Operating instructions of the obturator slide (briefly)


  • To move the gate valve from the open position (Fig. 2), unscrew the bolts pos. 1 smoothly (not more than 2 revolutions at a time) and following the sequence, until the lower flange stops in the nut pos. 3 (Fig. 1).
  • Then screw in the bolts pos.4 (Fig. 1) up to the stop, lifting the ring pos. 5 with valve item 2 over the bottom seal. Then, lightly tap the valve from its place and smoothly move it to the closed position.
  • To return the obturator to its working position, unscrew the bolts, pos. 4 to the stop (Fig. 1), releasing plug pos. 2 with the ring pos. 5 and tighten both skirt halves with bolts pos. 1.
  • To prevent the seals from sticking, periodically lubricate the valve with water-based graphite grease along the seal engagement contour.
  • Open in the same manner.
  • In order to relieve the load on the obturator, a linear movement compensator (along the medium flow) up to 15 mm must be connected directly to the obturator.


​Kaslinsky Mechanical Enterprise obturator sliders are high quality products and a guarantee of reliability.

Technical specifications (descriptions, drawings) can always be found on the website of Kaslinsky Mechanical Enterprise or our specialists.

If you have any questions please contact us by phone in Yekaterinburg +7 (343) 222-79-89, e-mail or leave your request online.